Download 300: Rise of an Empire in HQ, HD, Ipod, Zune, Zen, PSP, and more

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The iconic line "this is Sparta" gets a sole outing in belated sequel 300: Rise of an Empire, but it's muted and uttered almost under the breath of Lena Headey's Queen Gorgo. What's strange is that this is a rare moment of restraint in a film that goes OTT, striving so hard to outdo its predecessor yet ultimately coming up short. More violence! More action! More nudity! None of this can compensate for the dearth of emotional engagement on show in Kurt Johnstad and Zack Snyder's script.

300: Rise of an Empire Movie Download

To some the first 300 is visceral graphic novel entertainment writ large on the big screen, to others it's a visually dazzling empty vessel (this reviewer leans to the latter). How you feel about Rise of an Empire will likely depend on if you liked its predecessor, but what's hard to argue against is the fact that this follow-up lacks the memorable hero and blunt-force one-liners that marked the 2007 outing.(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) New director Noam Murro swings off on a narrative tangent as he tackles the Battle of Artemisium, a skirmish that happened at sea while Leonidas and the Spartans were facing down the Persians at the Hot Gates of Thermopylae.

Naval commander Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) is the man hoping to unite Greece and fend off Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his right-hand woman Artemisia (Eva Green), bringing together Scyllias (Callum Mulvey), his son Calisto (Skins's Jack O'Connell) and Aesyklos (Hans Matheson) to engage in the blood-soaked carnage.Murro manages to ape Snyder's fast-slow-fast-slow speed-ramping style (as if replicating the panel of a comic book) and doesn't hold back on the blood-soaked violence.(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) The crimson flies thick and fast thanks to beheadings, skewerings and sword slashes aplenty - the blood is almost torrential, but after the umpteenth brutal death the violence begins to lose all impact.

You're crying out for the film to just end but it won't, opting instead to play out more multiple near-climaxes than Return of the King.Furthermore, new leading man Stapleton doesn't quite work out in the same way Butler did. The bellowing Scot's performance as Leonidas bordered on parody,(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) but you got the sense he was aware of his film's ludicrousness and never far away from offering a sly wink to the viewer. Stapleton is far too straight-arrow serious and in the film's quieter moments displays the kind of smell-the-fart acting not seen since Joey Tribbiani's stint on Days of Our Lives.Rise of an Empire isn't without its highlights.

Most notable is Eva Green's bat-s**t mad Artemisia, a villainess who chews the scenery so emphatically that there'd be teeth marks on the sets if they weren't all digital. She also gets one of the film's best lines: "You fight harder than you f**k" - the product of a loopy power-play sex scene.Ultimately,(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) all this sequel can muster is some ocean-based eye candy and wall-to-wall stabbing. You're better off sticking with the original because this is essentially 300: Again.“300: Rise of an Empire,” of the sword-and-sandal hybrid war franchise based on Frank Miller’s (“Sin City”) graphic novel, fumbles through this superfluous sequel to “300” (2006).

Huge sheets of splaying dark red blood splatters across the screen during gory battle sequences between half-naked, heavily muscled soldiers wielding swords to decapitate and slice open their generic rivals.(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) The video-game-inspired 3D effects come off as a novel graphic display the first couple of times you see them. But by the third, fourth, and fifth go-rounds, boredom sets in.Zach Snyder (the screenwriter of both “300” movies) abdicates his directing duties from the franchise's first installment to relative newcomer Noam Murro — known primarily for his instantly forgettable 2008 romantic comedy “Smart People.

”Yet from its drab saturated visual design you would hardly notice that a different filmmaker is calling the shots.Likely an attempt to mask the film’s extensive use of computer-generated imagery,(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) the dull color palate on display has a sleep-inducing effect. It numbs the audience.The year is 480 B.C. — the same period covered in the first film. Whereas “300” dealt with the Persian attack on Sparta, the war is now viewed from Greece’s seaside city of Athens, where the Persian warlord Xerxes’s enormous armada of ships threaten to take over.

It’s revealed that Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) loosed the arrow that finished off the Persian King Darius during battle. Flashback sequences expose the war goddess Artemisia’s troubled history of brutal abuse at the hands of her fellow Greeks, which turned her into a fierce enemy of her own people.(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) She is widely feared for “selling her soul to death himself.” Artemisia now leads Xerxes’s 1000-ship fleet. Significant too in this revved up cartoonish version of ancient history is the bizarre method that Xerxes (played by a returning Rodrigo Santoro) uses to transmute himself from a mere mortal to a golden-skinned god adorned with a plethora of gold chains and necklaces.

For all of its brief stabs at putting the story into an historic context, “300: Rise of an Empire” is too visually and aurally cluttered for much if any of the exposition to stick.What we do know is that Eva Green’s Artemisia is the baddest warrior of them all. With Green’s goth-girl make-up and dangerously spiked-back corset firmly in place, the bedroom-eyed French actress chews more scenery standing still than any of film’s big-spectacle battle scenes combined.(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) When Artemisia kisses the lips of a man immediately after severing his head from his body, she precedes Salome’s femme fatale by 500 years. Emotionally, Artemisia is a well-oiled machine.

The film earns its R-rating during a rough-sex scene in which Artemisia seduces Themistocles to entice him to join with the Persians. She not only takes the wind out of her lover’s sails,(Download 300: Rise of an Empire) but also hijacks the story as its most intelligent, ruthless, and lusty participant.Culminating with the battle of Thermopylae — in which Xerxes’ ships funnel into a fog-shrouded Greek trap in the Gulf of Malia on the eastern Aegean Sea — the movie compresses into a static episode. There is no pleasure to be taken from Themistocles’s winning strategy because Sullivan Stapleton’s portrayal is so painfully flat.

300: Rise of an Empire Movie Watch Online

Instead we wait patiently for Artemisia to return to the screen for her final curtain call. Eva Green so outclasses the brittle source material and plodding storytelling beneath her that rather than elevate the film, she abandons it.(Watch 300: Rise of an Empire Online all quality) If only Frank Miller had written a graphic novel entitled “Artemisia” instead of “Xerxes.” Heaven knows this film only works when Eva Green is on screen.

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